4 Ways to Do Volunteer Work in Singapore

Deciding to become a volunteer is noble. Doing volunteer work in Singapore can connect you to marginalised groups, allowing you to have a direct impact on their lives. Volunteering is also a great addition to your professional development, as you can add your experience to your resume. You’d be able to develop skills in project management, organisation, and more. If you’re looking for ways to volunteer, here are some opportunities that are worth researching.

Children’s Education Programs

Many volunteer opportunities in Singapore promote children’s access to quality education. You can start by donating old children’s books to mobile libraries. Mobile libraries visit different communities to give children access to more educational materials. Sometimes it also has computers with educational activities for children to enjoy. In light of the pandemic, you can volunteer virtually by attending calls with students and reading books to them. You can also facilitate art workshops so they can explore their creativity.o

Healthcare Volunteer Programs

If you have a background in healthcare, look for some healthcare volunteer opportunities. You’ll be able to practise your skills while volunteering, which can benefit your professional development. Since there are several healthcare programs available, you can choose one that you enjoy most. You can care for children with special needs, such as autism or cerebral palsy. You can also focus on palliative care for terminally ill patients. Healthcare volunteering is one of the noblest ways to help others.

Clean Water Programs

If you want a hands-on activity, consider doing community service in Singapore by volunteering in clean water programs. For example, many rural communities don’t have access to clean drinking water. There are clean water programs that build biosand filters for households in the community, which help filter cleaner water. You can also teach children how to conduct basic hygiene, such as hand washing and tooth brushing.

Clean-up Programs

Cleaning up areas is a classic community service activity in Singapore. For example, you can sign up for a beach community clean-up. This activity is perfect for environmentally conscious people who like to see the fruits of their labour. You can even take before and after pictures to see the results of your volunteering. Continue to help the environment by volunteering for neighbourhood or park clean-up programs.

Are you ready to help your fellow people by doing volunteer work in Singapore? Visit Singapore International Foundation and check out its programs and opportunities.

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